VietBF - View Single Post - Đừng Vote cho OBAMA, nếu bạn là người VIỆT (Đọc Để Hiểu Thêm)
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Old 10-28-2012   #42
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Originally Posted by corumstation View Post
To : nganson

1st off, I thnk u for your appreciation of my VN skill. I personally don't think much of it. But to answer some of your raised questions:

1) Why do I correspond in EN & not in VN - b/c simply it's more convenient and expedious. Sorry, I always hated to type x-tra key strokes for those accent marks. The site doesn't required VN for communication, but does require accent marks if done in VN. Actually the site is set up in EN if you haven't notice. In addition, which version of VN language do you want to converse in? Is it the CSVN VN post '75 period? Or how about the VNCH version? Even better yet, the pre & post colonial period? The pre & post portugese jesuit missionary period? Or even go further back, the pre Chinese enslavement period? By setting up these impediments and or mutually excluding EN or any other languages, you automatically exclude the free VN people's future generations. Are these children
less VN than others? Is your definition of VN that narrowly defined and acutely, mutually exclusive? Your argument is already weak and has a fallacy built in it already. It's very simple. Just do a quick correlational study b/w free sites, sites that are not pro CSVN, vs. pro CSVN sites. There will be a positive correlation w/ CSVN and VN language only sites. They're already won using your argument. Are you that complacent?

2) Do I have a grudge against him - I could care less about him. Don't know the guy. Life is too short. But if you build it, will they come? Hmm ... He does! You assumed way too much stuff about him and me, ie. age and intention. Look at some other threads, members joyfully pooking fun at him? And at his expense? What are you smooking? Plainfully put, it has always been his behavior that I have always questioned? Starting w/ his delusion of granduer to his grandiose proclamation that he is "God of Encoding", I'm parapharsing here, and to say the least his grand assumption that other members' techniques and skill sets had been learned from his simplified tutorials. And not to be ignored, his consistent emotional and behavioral immaturity such as "I'm not going to UL, help people and or be active in this anymore" - paraphrasing again. Or how about his hipocrisy, and paraphrasing again, "criticized other member that AC3 is good enough and then switching to DTS after he was criticized" and "all of you take care ... goodbye". But the one that blew me away was when other members' apologized for their honest negative opinions of him after getting defriended (is there such a word?) by him over some poorly 480P RIPs and etc .... Oh I'm not going to be your friend anymore. Blah ... blah ... blah.... WTF! Oh but don't forget his consistently, standard & infamous excuse "b/c I was too upset & emotional" - paraphrasing also. But at least we both agree about his immaturity. So why must you feed it? Wouldn't it be better to help him grow up?

3) Why make excuse for him? - this thread is about his poorly conveyed spin of "Don't vote for Obama" (paraphrasing again). And now you bought his back pedaling excuse of "Oh, I'm not trying to force you to vote for Romney. I'm just trying to give my opinion". Well I guessed there is a sucker born every minute. Even in the face of already indicated faulty data set? How screw up is that! Grow up! Lets call it for what it is. He openly called for "don't vote for Obama", presented his evidences in support of his position, and is now trying to
spin yet another excuse for a poorly excuted 1st spin job due to the simple fact of his naivety, limited knowledge and almost nonexistent analytical skills based upon the presented evidences. Aghasted & floored I was at such moronic and naive presentation. Calling Dr. Absent Minded to the ER sTAT! Pt. was born w/ a congenital brain fart! He basically and mortally shot himself before it even began, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and concluded it was his selective retrograde amnesia acting up again?

4) "My throwing him a life preserver" - I guess you didn't fully comprehend those statements neither. What about the other statements I wonder? Him and any members' leaving, staying, nonactive, active and etc ... is free choice. Don't proclaim it! Just do it! But from his behavior, and as I have stated before, he needs adulations. Oh ... this is getting too long and I have a conference to go to. Again, you assumed way too much. Trying to alter people mind set is extremely dificulty if not improbable. Never has been my goal. People will believe in what they will based upon their religion and educational level. Like I have stated before, make an informed decision and vote. In short, (+) or (-) oh well? Que sera sera.
Chào bạn ,về việc viết tiếng Việt ,tôi có 1 nghi vấn nhưng khi đọc cách viết của bạn ,tôi biết là tôi nghĩ sai ,sorry about that. Th́ ra là giữa Bạn và TMĐ có 1 câu chuyện ,tôi không có ư chen vào câu chuyện của 2 người .Nếu Bạn hay 1 người nào đó dùng những lời lẽ không hay cho bất cứ thành viên nào trong diễn đàn th́ tôi cũng sẽ có lời góp ư ,chứ không phải chỉ riêng v́ TMĐ đâu.
Người ta cứ nghĩ Internet là tṛ chơi ảo ,nên muốn nói ǵ th́ nói, sau đó tắt máy là xong chuyện ,nhưng thật sự có mấy ai làm được như vậy ,chẳng hạn như Bạn và tôi ,nói đă rồi cuối cùng vẫn chạy trở vào đây để xem đối phương nghĩ ǵ . Đó là bởi v́ trong con người chúng ta có 2 tiếng nói, dù đúng hay sai th́ người chịu ảnh hưởng nhất vẫn chính là bản thân ḿnh ,vậy th́ cần ǵ phải làm đau ḷng nhau v́ những lời nói không hay .
Nói 1 chút về TMĐ nha . Có lẽ Bạn cũng nhận thấy TMĐ nói chuyện và xử sự rất là trẻ con (sorry TMĐ ,tôi nói thẳng ,nhưng sự thật ai cũng nhận thấy điều đó ),Bạn ấy biết có nhiều người không thích ḿnh và luôn phản đối ḿnh ,nhưng TMĐ vẫn trở vào diễn đàn , người Việt Nam có câu "đánh kẻ chạy đi chứ không ai đánh người chạy trở lại",huống chi TMĐ có cái quyền của Bạn ấy,trừ khi chủ nhà không cho phép.Tôi không có ư dạy đời ai ,mà chỉ nêu ra ư kiến của riêng ḿnh , nếu Bạn thấy không đúng hoặc là đụng chạm đến Bạn th́ cho tôi sorry .
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