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cha12 ba 05-14-2020 15:13

How a Second Stimulus Check Could Differ from Your First One
1 Attachment(s)

Here we go again! Congressional efforts to pass another economic stimulus package officially began when House Democrats introduced the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act. Perhaps the most anticipated provisions in the new bill are those concerning a second round of stimulus checks.

There was a lot of buzz about $2,000 stimulus checks each month, but in the end the Democrats opted for a much more modest proposal. In fact, the second round of stimulus checks called for in the HEROES Act looks a lot like the first round of $1,200 checks authorized by the CARES Act--but with some important tweaks (and even some changes to the CARES Act payments).

The HEROES Act as it stands right now doesn't have a very good chance of becoming law. It's considered dead on arrival in the Republican-controlled Senate. However, some proposals in the current bill could survive the coming political slugfest and eventually land on President Trump's desk. The new stimulus check provisions certainly could be among them because (1) the general idea of having more direct payments has bipartisan support and (2) the HEROES Act proposal is not as costly as other stimulus check options.

We don't know yet what lawmakers will eventually do. They could negotiate a final version of the HEROES Act, craft a different bill, or become stuck in typical Washington gridlock. But while we wait for further action (or inaction), let's take a look at the proposed second-round stimulus checks and see how they compare with the first round of payments.

Families Could Get More Money in Their Second-Round Check

Like the first round of stimulus checks, the HEROES Act calls for a $1,200 payment to each eligible American ($2,400 for married couples filing a joint return). However, you would get an additional $1,200 for each dependent (for up to a maximum of three dependents). So, for example, a married couple with three children could get up to $6,000.

For the first round of stimulus checks, an extra $500 is allowed for each child age 16 and younger. So, if enacted, the HEROES Act plan would provide more money for each additional family member and allow these extra payments for older children, elderly parents living with you, or anyone else who you support and can claim as a dependent.


nguyensoaithienbong 05-14-2020 15:16

Lũ 3QueĐàoNgũ phản phúc chắc chờ "cứt" tao dữ héng.... Hehehehe....

laingo10 05-14-2020 15:36


Like the first round of stimulus checks, the HEROES Act calls for a $1,200 payment to each eligible American ($2,400 for married couples filing a joint return). However, you would get an additional $1,200 for each dependent (for up to a maximum of three dependents). So, for example, a married couple with three children could get up to $6,000.

This is a huge amount of money will be given out to each American family with three children if become lawful, and uncle Sam is gonna borrow a lot of money from other countries and American citizens.
We don't wanna pay a lot more taxes in the coming years...

8thui 05-14-2020 15:53

Có phải chờ chữ kư của lăo già bà hoa kia không.Nếu có tui hổng nhận đâu trả źa cho chả đi tui hổng thèm đâu.
Zậy là có thêm tiền để mua thuốc tẩy và Lysol, kư ninh Và đèn chiếu sáng đường hầm tăm tối nữa gồi

OroValley 05-14-2020 16:50

1 Attachment(s)

cha12 ba 05-14-2020 17:40


Originally Posted by OroValley (Post 3922921)


ez4me 05-14-2020 18:06


Originally Posted by OroValley (Post 3922921)


hongyen2000 05-14-2020 18:09


Originally Posted by nguyensoaithienbong (Post 3922839)
Lũ 3QueĐàoNgũ phản phúc chắc chờ "cứt" tao dữ héng.... Hehehehe....

cha12 ba 05-14-2020 18:13


OroValley 05-14-2020 18:55


Originally Posted by ez4me (Post 3922982)

Cặp Vú giã chĩ có $3000 thôi tía à. thêm số 0 nhiều quá, con cháu đời sau bị Vú đè trã tiền Vú ngóc đầu đéo có lên đó.
Còn 3000 dư sức mua Ice cream bõ đầy cái tũ lạnh mấy chục ngàn đô.

SlyGuy 05-14-2020 19:28

Why do these bills have to be 1800 pages long? ..Shouldn't one or 2 pages be enough to take care of the PEOPLE and SMALL BUSINESS..

Typical Pelosi.. Only 20% to the people and the rest to special interest and Dem states..

The bill is DOA in the Senate..

Nếu bà Pelosi thật sự nghĩ cho người dân th́ nên cắt bỏ 80% tiền hổ trợ dư thừa không chính đáng v́ ngân khố quốc gia quá thâm hụt.. chỉ xài 20% c̣n lại cho người dân đóng thuế và những cơ sở làm ăn nhỏ đang chịu thiệt hại nặng nề .. c̣n không th́ chắc chắn 100% th́ khi cái bills tới tay thượng viện sẻ bị xé cái rẹt ...

Nếu Bà Pelosi sửa đổi cái Bills này ( bớt lại 80% ) sau đó phe cộng hoà hoặc Trump không đồng ư th́ Trump và CH sẻ mất rất nhiều phiếu cho cuộc bầu cử năm 2020..

Nói tóm lại cái Bills này quá tào lao và không thực tế cho nên người dân mỹ sẻ chờ dài cần cổ cho cái check thứ 2...

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